Faded Rose / Keep Coming Back Burnsland 2020-09-2250with50 Faded Rose 50with50 No. 44 A faded rose bloom is the latest entry in the 50with50 series.
The Last Rose of 2018 Burnsland 2018-11-05Home Quickly Fading For many of the past few years, I have taken a photo of the last rose on the rose bushes in our yard, and at least one of those has been presented here.
A Rose In the Springtime Burnsland 2015-05-07Home-Daily-Photo, Daily Photo A rose blooms on one of the rosebushes in our front yard at home as the springtime marches on.
The Last Rose of Summer Burnsland 2013-10-02Daily Photo The last bloom on our rose bush for the summer.
A Rose Burnsland 2012-04-06Mobile “A rose is blooming there for me, where the soul of man never dies.