Winter Views

Although the winter weather we have had lately is nothing like what those in the northern states have received, nor like even a “normal” snow, it has made for some rather interesting views. Here are just a few from around our house.

Winter Views

All the melting and refreezing created some nice icicles hanging from our roof, such as these that were seen outside our kitchen window. I like the drop of water frozen in time here, too. But you wouldn’t want to stand underneath where these were hanging, because you never know when they might turn loose. And they wouldn’t exactly feel like falling snow if they were to land on your head, I would think.

Winter Views

I really liked how the clouds were looking on this afternoon, letting a bit of the blue sky show through. You can see that much of the ice and snow had melted off the grass by this time, although there was still a good bit of the white stuff on the driveway. Compare this view to the one I posted earlier from the previous day to see what a difference 24 hours (give or take) makes.

Winter Views

The horses don’t seem to mind the cold at all. They do, however, mind that all the grass that they would normally eat has been covered by ice. Daisy was looking to see if I was going to bring them some hay, but when she saw that I just had my camera, she said, “Oh, whatever.”

Winter Views

As the water dripped off the roof and froze again on the azaleas, it made them look rather interesting, I thought. In a cold, icy sort of way. Not that I would want to stand there with my feet in the ground and be covered in all that ice. But then, I’m not a plant.

Winter Views

This view as the sun was starting to go down was really neat, I thought. Almost like something you would find on a 1000 piece puzzle. Fortunately, I just had to look at it and not figure out how all the pieces go together. But if you are looking for a good puzzle to put together, just let me know.

If you are interested in such things, all of these views were taken on Tuesday, February 17. And they were all either taken from inside our house looking out the window or from our front or back porches. I wasn’t very much into venturing out into the cold with my camera that day, apparently. Maybe next time.

About the Photos

Each photo is a single RAW exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about the photo software and gear I use at the camera gear page.
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10
Lens: Olympus 14-42mm IIR


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.