Things I Found: Walt Disney World 25th Anniversary Watch

Things I Found is a series looking at odds and ends that I have found in our house, usually while looking for something completely unrelated that I never do seem to find.

Today’s find is a Walt Disney World 25th Anniversary watch:

Walt Disney World 25th anniversary watch - front

As you probably know, Walt Disney World celebrated its 25th anniversary beginning in October of 1996. And in searching the internet, they produced quite a few watches for the anniversary. This one that I have has Sorcerer Mickey waving his wand over a moving dial that says “Walt Disney World - 25 Years In a Magical Place” that continuously turns, functioning as a second had. Or at least it would if I put a functioning battery in the watch. And it has stars stamped into the leather band.

I don’t remember exactly from which shop I got this watch, but I would guess that it was on our trip in October 1996, just a few weeks after the celebration started. I wore it quite a bit at the time, but I haven’t worn it in quite a while. In fact, I had forgotten about it until I was looking through a drawer.

And if you are curious, here is a look at the back of the watch:

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I like how it isn’t just a standard watch back, but that it has the 25th anniversary logo etched into the back. Pretty classy!

Check back in the future for more Things I Found!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.