The Burnsland List of Relevance (4/26/13)

The Burnsland List of Relevance is back again, making it two weeks in a row. This just might turn out to be a regular thing.

  1. Hamburgers - Did you know that hamburgers are actually American and not from Hamburg? And here all this time I thought McDonald’s was an international food restaurant.
  2. Microwave Ovens - How did people ever eat warm food before microwave ovens were invented? I feel sorry for them.
  3. Humpty Dumpty - I hear he wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. Yes, that’s a bad joke.
  4. Movies - May is almost here, which means the big movies are coming soon. Of course, these days I usually just wait for the Blu-Ray.
  5. Summer Vacation - The time for summer vacations is drawing near. Do you have your plans made yet? And if you are going some place nice, do you have room for a few more?
  6. Shag Carpet - Because any carpet that you don’t have to rake isn’t really worth having.
  7. Shoes - Shoes are great. I wear them all the time. But you can’t fully enjoy shag carpet with your shoes on.
  8. Phones - Remember when you had to dial a phone by actually turning a big circular dial? I do. That doesn’t make me old, does it?

That’s all for today! Check back sometime later for more. Maybe.


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.