The Boardwalk at Night at Walt Disney World

A view of the Boardwalk Resort at Walt Disney World at night

The lights of the Boardwalk Resort at Walt Disney World shine across the lake in this nighttime view from our July 2022 Florida trip.

If you have been keeping up, I have not posted many photos from our July 2022 trip. There were several reasons for that. One reason is that I actually did not take that many photos, believe it or not. Sub-reasons for that reason include a lingering illness that slowed us down just a bit for that trip and the feeling that I had already photographed most everything we saw on that trip. Why take another photo that looks just like one you already took? Does that mean that we have been to Walt Disney World and the surrounding area too much? Not necessarily. It just means that we might need to look for some different ways to see things and different things to see on our next visit.

Another reason I have not shared that many photos from this trip is that it was somewhat overshadowed by our 2022 Disney Cruise, during which I took a lot of photos that did not look like photos I had already taken before. And then once I finished posting that cruise trip report, we took a fall trip through Kansas and Missouri, and that trip had lots of original photos, too.

But I did take a few new-looking photos during our Florida trip, and this view of the Boardwalk Resort was one of them. We are not usually around the Boardwalk or in the Epcot Resorts area after dark. But we were wanting to go for a ride on the Skyliner, and we were waiting around for an evening storm to pass. And while we were waiting, I took this cool Boardwalk photo. So it all turned out well.

Different Circumstances

That Florida trip with its challenges, which were rather minor in the grand scheme of things, was a reminder that even though things are not like you planned or like you want them to be, everything can still be good.

We have seen that over and over in our lives. Unexpected things come, but we end up still being blessed through it all. It all ends up being good despite our unrealized expectations.

Sometimes it just takes some patience to see how things will turn out. When circumstances change on you, don’t be so quick to declare that everything is ruined. Wait around and see what good can come from it.

And other times, it takes some hindsight to realize that things were okay. Sometimes the changes are so extreme that all your energy is given to just trying to make it through, and only later can you see that everything was okay through it all.

When change comes, especially unexpected change, look for the good in it all. God continues to bless us, even when things are not what we expect.

And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

About the Photo

This was one of those times where the 35mm prime lens was quite effective. I had not brought my tripod along for this jaunt, leaving it back in the condo. So I made sure the aperture was opened wide to f/1.8. I increased the ISO to 800 and set the shutter speed to 1/30 second, all in manual mode. Those settings worked out well. I did enhance things just a bit using Raw Therapee, brightening the scene just a bit and applying some noise reduction.

Also, I decided to give my photos a signature at the lower right, starting with this one. I always sign the drawings that I create. But I actually consider these photos works of art just as much as the drawings are works of art, so why not sign them, too? Plus, I thought it would be fun to start signing things as “Burnsland”, which sounds a little better than the bland “Steve” signature I have been using. So there you have it, a new work of art!

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Raw Therapee. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Rokinon 35mm f/1.8
Date: July 20, 2022
Location: Epcot ResortsWalt Disney WorldFlorida


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.