Tables By the Horse Stalls

At a recent wedding inside a barn, the dining tables were set up by the horse stall doors. Read all about it at Burnsland!

Tables and chairs are set up next to horse stall doors for a wedding inside a barn at Cedar Hall in Bartlett, Tennessee. Although obviously the barn isn’t used for its intended purpose anymore. And actually, this barn is a recreation of an original barn, since I may or may not know some of the people involved in some of its design.

We were there for the wedding of Paul and Morgan, a couple from our church. Our main task was to capture the wedding on video. But I couldn’t help getting a few photos after we had figured out where we needed to be for everything. It was a really nice setup, even if it wasn’t quite traditional because the guests sat at these tables for both the wedding and the reception. That saved a lot of time and headaches of having to move chairs and tables after the service, so that was nice.

While we were waiting in the food line, it was interesting to see how many people opened the sliding stall doors to peek inside, but alas, there were no horses in there. Only storage spaces. Not that I looked. That’s what someone else who had already looked told me.

This was actually the second wedding in a barn that we had been to in the past several months. The first one was more of a western-style barn, while this one had more of an English Equestrian style. Barn weddings are popular right now, it seems. And if that had been a thing back when we got married, I’m sure Laura would have heard about it and would at least have considered having our wedding in a barn. Little did we know way back then.

So maybe we should open up our barn for weddings now. But if you click that link you will see that our barn doesn’t compare to the one pictured above. It is actually just three stalls and nothing else, so everyone would be really crowded inside those three stalls. And the horses probably wouldn’t appreciate having to give up their space for a while, either. Not that they aren’t friendly enough to share, but they gotta stay somewhere, too, you know.

But hey, if you want to have a really small wedding in a really rustic, 12’x12’ horse stall, give me a call! I’m sure we can work something out.

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. - Luke 2:6-7

About the Photo

Just a quick shot while we were waiting for things to start happening since we got there rather early. Not having been there before or knowing the setup, I didn’t want to cut it too close on time. That did allow me to get a few video clips of the place to include in the wedding video, and time for a few photos, too. This one was definitely my favorite of the photos that I took.

And as it was a quick shot, it was also a quick editing job. Just a few minor adjustments here and there, and some compensation for the very warm lighting color inside.

Click on the photo to see it larger, by the way.

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10
Lens: Olympus M.Zukio 25mm f1.8
Date: January 23, 2016
Location: Cedar Hall, Bartlett, Tennessee


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.