Senior Blessing Chapel


The seniors on the stage at the start of Senior Blessing Chapel

Recently, Jaylin’s class at school got to experience Senior Blessing Chapel. And we were all blessed by the experience.

The main purpose of Senior Blessing Chapel is for the teachers and staff members to pass along blessings to the senior class. What does that look like? Specifically, it involves teachers washing the feet of the seniors and passing along blessings to them. Needless to say, it was a very moving experience.

Foot washing during Senior Blessing Chapel

Jaylin’s feet were washed at first by Donna Pinkerton, math teacher and Saint of Geometry. She also happened to be the geometry teacher for Laura and me. Her husband, Doug, was the best man at our wedding. And she was one of the first people to meet Jaylin once he came into our family. According to Jaylin, she reminded him of how long she had been watching him, and she let him know how proud she has been of him, as are we. Laura and I felt honored that she was the one to wash Jaylin’s feet, because she has definitely been a blessing to us.

Foot washing during Senior Blessing Chapel

And then as a bonus, Jaylin’s feet were also washed by Colby Canterbury, the band director. Colby has been a big influence on Jaylin, and on our whole family, and he has been a blessing to all of us as well. He washed Jaylin’s feet and prayed with him. And both of these teachers gave Jaylin written cards as well.

Foot Washing

As you may know, foot washing follows the example that Jesus set in John 13. Jesus explained his actions to his disciples in John 13:14-16: “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.”

This was a wonderful example to the seniors, as well as to all of the other students, that the teachers are there to serve the students and to bless them. If you have ever had your feet washed, you know that it is almost more uncomfortable for the one whose feet are washed than for the one washing feet, especially if the one washing your feet is someone you look up to. It is a great reminder of servanthood. And then Jesus says for us to go and serve others in the same way. That is a good message to remember, not only for the seniors who are about to graduate, but for all of us as Christians.

Family Photos

Of course, at any such occasion we have to take a couple of family photos, too. Even if we have masks on.

Laura and Jaylin after chapel

Here are Laura and Jaylin after the chapel service. Laura got to take a brief break from teaching her classes to be able to attend the chapel. I am glad that she got to be there.

Steve and Jaylin after chapel

And here I am with Jaylin. Fortunately, parents were able to attend the chapel service. Parents are still very limited on campus, and understandably so with the pandemic that we are in. But I was glad that we could be there for this.

As Jaylin’s high school time starts to reach its end, I am thankful for reminders and blessings such as this one.

Bible Verse

If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. - John 13:17


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.