Rapunzel's Tower in the Magic Kingdom

The Tangled Tower

Rapunzel’s tower in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World

Rapunzel’s tower from the movie Tangled stands in Fantasyland at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as the clouds behind it match the tower’s colors.

It was super nice of the clouds to color coordinate with the tower while we were there so that I could get this great photo of the tower. And don’t try to tell me that it wasn’t just for me that they did that, because I won’t believe you. Actually, of course I will believe you because I’m not one of those completely self-centered people that thinks everything is about them. Hard to believe there are people like that. But anyway, back to our photo of the day.

As you can probably guess, this was as the sun was starting to go down. When we are at the Magic Kingdom, I’m not the kind to camp out somewhere in the late afternoon to try to catch the perfect sunset photo. But as the sun is going down, I look around where I am to see if there are any good photo opportunities. And this time around, this is what I saw. Good lighting on the tower, cool colors in the clouds. Can’t argue with that.

Also, I don’t remember the tower in the movie having a lightning rod at the top of it. But then I don’t remember seeing a bunch of tourists walking past it in the movie, either. They must have been just behind the trees.

I know that Frozen gets all of the love these days, but I actually prefer Tangled over Frozen. Not by much, but I do like it a little better. Just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion, too. And it has been interesting to me that they included this little Tangled area in the Magic Kingdom, but not as an attraction. Just as a restroom location. A very well-done restroom location, of course, but still, just restrooms with some interesting scenery. And suddenly, all of the other restrooms around the park seem just a little bland. Not that I spend much time in them, of course.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us. - Psalm 67:1

Burnsland World Tour

About the Photo

I may have increased the color saturation just a bit, and I may have dialed the color hues over toward magenta just a bit, to bring out the magenta tones that were already there. I know some people are big about “straight out of camera” photos, but I think this looks much more exciting. And yes, this is far from the first time I have photographed this tower. But it always looks good.

Photo: A single RAW exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about the photo software and gear I use at the camera gear page.
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10
Lens: Olympus M.Zukio 25mm f1.8
Date: June 11, 2015
Location: Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Florida


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.