Random Thoughts - 2/6/15

Here are the latest random thoughts for your random reading enjoyment. Feel free to leave a random comment at the end, too.

Super Bowl predictions: Somebody wins, somebody loses, somebody complains about the halftime show.

The Super Bowl might gain some viewers if it moved to Saturday night to avoid conflict with Sunday evening church services. And heaven might gain a few football fans, too.

Listening to the score from The Incredibles while I work. Feeling like a super hero.

Snow flurries this morning, sunny skies this afternoon. What’s next?

I just set a fax. I had almost forgotten how to do that. Feeling very retro now.

I fail to see the value of letting a giant rodent try to predict the weather.

Have you ever realized just how much KITT from Knight Rider sounds like Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World?

Nothing like waiting until the last minute to tell me about last minute changes. Oh wait, that’s why they are called that.

Want some advice? Here’s some: Don’t take advice from people who ask you if you want some advice.

Judging from how many people were passing me on our two lane country roads, lots of people were running late this morning.

Not really a good day for an eye twitch. Which is probably why I have one.

It’s 34 degrees outside and there is a man walking down the street in a short sleeve shirt. He must have good health insurance.

That’s it for this time! Be sure to check Burnsland on Twitter for all the latest!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.