Random Thoughts - 10/10/14

It is time once again for some random thoughts - just some things that popped into my head that are either too long for social media or too short for a blog post. So here you go. Hopefully, they won’t scare you away from here.


It is a bit frustrating when you pay money to attend a continuing education seminar, only to have some of the presenters just read their PowerPoint presentations to you word for word. Can I just download the presentation and read it to myself at a discounted cost? Or can you at least read it in a funny voice or something? Zzzzzz….


Servers in restaurants with all sorts of strange piercings really creep me out. I know that good help is hard to find these days, but still, can’t you find someone else to wait tables? It’s probably a good thing I don’t own a restaurant.


Now I feel like a loser parent for not getting my family up well before dawn to see the clouds that were blocking the Blood Moon. I’m sure they were some pretty good looking clouds, too. But at least we didn’t have blood red eyes for the day.


It is pouring rain outside. The clouds are so thick that it is dark outside. The street lights are even on, as are the parking lot lights of all the surrounding businesses. And you are driving a black truck with black wheels. Don’t you think you should have your headlights on? Oh yeah, and there’s that “headlights on when raining” law, too.


Send an email, get no reply for 24 hours. Send a Facebook message to the same person saying the same thing, and get an instant reply. Is Facebook becoming the new default for everything? And can it fix my lunch so I don’t have to do that, either?


Church sign: “Have you make God proud today?” Um, I’m guessing not, with grammar like that. (For the record, that sign has now been corrected.)


There you go! If you are still here, I’m glad you didn’t run away. Check back at some random time in the future for more random thoughts.


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.