Photo: Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World

Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World

The recent post Looking Back: Magic Kingdom in 1992 included two of the several photos that I took of Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom that year. But back then, most all of the photos that I took of the castle were from either the front (Main Street side) or from the east or west side. Back in those days, I rarely took a photo of the “back” side, which is the side that you see when you are in Fantasyland.

I’m not really sure why that was. We probably didn’t spend all that much time in Fantasyland back in those days, so perhaps that was it. Or maybe it was that all of the publicity photos that you would see were of the “front” side, and I was trying to recreate them.

Or maybe I just didn’t pay enough attention to things. Because for as nice as the front side looks, the back side is way more detailed and interesting. Part of that is due to the large windows of the restaurant up inside the castle, but that isn’t the only reason. There is quite a lot going on there architecturally, and many people don’t ever seem to notice it.

Or maybe it is because the back of something is usually considered to be not all that interesting. Who can tell you what all is on the back of a $100 bill? And does it really matter?  The back of a product is usually where you put all the boring information that you have to include, not the fun stuff that you want everyone to see. But that isn’t the case with Cinderella Castle. And while some people don’t notice, you can see in this photo that someone else in the lower right corner is also taking a photo of this view, trying to capture the late afternoon/early evening light here, just as I was.

While some of the attraction buildings in the Disney parks are only facades, I like that you can walk all the way around Cinderella Castle and see it from so many unique angles. Like this one.

About the Photo

A single RAW exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about the photo software and gear I use at the camera gear page.
Camera: Canon EOS 60D
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.