One of my Christmas CD Favorites

I usually try to hold off listening to my favorite Christmas music until the first of December, just so that I am not burned out on it all by the time Christmas actually gets here. And because today is December 1, I listened to my first Christmas CD today. And the first one I chose was Snow by Go Fish.

Go Fish is known for being a Christian vocal group aimed at kids and families. And their style is mostly acappella with a few backing instruments, mostly percussion. It’s a pretty unique sound. And their enthusiasm is always infectious on all their songs.

But to me, Snow has an even more broad appeal than their other work. Sure, the kids will enjoy it, but I would the older ones will see the deeper spiritual theme here as well.

This CD has one main theme, and that is that Christmas is all about Jesus Christ. That’s probably the most prevalent in their song “Christmas with a Capital C”. This song hits the nail on the head for the whole Christmas/Holiday debate. And the song even inspired a movie, which will be airing soon on GMC.

And to me this main theme is also reflected in the song “It’s About the Cross.” This track is a reminder that even though we celebrate the birth of Jesus, his birth was really just part of the plan leading to his death on the cross to take away the sins of the world. That’s a point that often gets overlooked at Christmas.

Of course, there are some of the other usual holiday favorites as well, such as “Joy to the World.” “We Three Kings,” and “Away in a Manger,” all with the great Go Fish sound.

The CD has recently been re-released as Christmas with a Capital C (Snow: The Deluxe Edition), and it includes a few new tracks as well.

In our house, this is one CD that we listen to over and over again!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.