Notes From Around Burnsland

This photo really doesn’t have anything to do with this post, but I thought you might want something to look at besides just the words.

This photo of Laura and Jaylin at the Wilderness Lodge at Walt Disney World really doesn’t have anything to do with this post.

Time for some news from around the world of Burnsland, including trip reports and football, or the lack thereof.

The Cruise Trip Report

The full trip report for our Carnival Cruise to Mexico in July is now underway! Just so you know, this thing is long. As in well over 20,000 words, and it still isn’t finished yet. And as you would expect, there are lots and lots of photos, too. So the plan is to post one part each week or so, until we get to the end. Each part may not necessarily be about one full day, so it may take a couple of months to get the whole thing posted. The first part might have been somewhat unexciting, as it was more an explanation of what we were going to do and why we chose to do it instead of any real action of any kind. But don’t worry, it gets more exciting as it goes along. And I have already been posting shorter stories with photos as well, if you haven’t seen those.  Keep checking the 2016 Cruise to Mexico page for the latest updates. Hint: The new parts will most likely be posted on Fridays.

2016 Cruise to Mexico

Jaylin and Football

Faithful readers of Burnsland know that around this time, I start posting photos and such about Jaylin’s football season. Unfortunately, this year Jaylin’s season ended before it ever fully started, as his knee was injured during a scrimmage last week. An MRI is scheduled so that we can know exactly what is going on, but the doctor said the minimum recovery time would be 6 to 8 weeks, which is just about the same amount of time as the football season from this point. Jaylin will definitely recover, it is just a matter of when.

As you can imagine, he is a bit disappointed not to be playing this season. I can just imagine how I would have felt at that age if I had been told I couldn’t play in the band for the rest of the season. I can’t really imagine why that would happen, but I know if it had happened I would have been majorly bummed for some time.

You might think I would be happy about having more time at home, because I have been known to complain here and there about how we aren’t there all that much because of all the practices. But that isn’t the case. Actually, Laura and I are almost as disappointed as he is, because we enjoyed watching him play, and we know how much he enjoys the game. But God has a plan, and He will work things out. We may not know for some time what that plan is, but that’s okay. Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Fortunately, he should be all healed up in time for spring sports, and definitely in time for football next fall. And of course we will still go to the games to support his team. Here’s hoping they have a great season!

Mailing List

I am going to revive the old Burnsland mailing list that has been around here for a while. The last email sent out was almost two years ago, according to the records. What is in the email? Updates to the site, posts you might have missed, fun stuff, maybe even a knock-knock joke or something. Who knows? If you want to subscribe to the list, just go to this link and fill out the form.

Also, each post from Burnsland is sent out as an email, and that goes through a separate email list. So if you want to join that one to have each post delivered to you so that you know you don’t miss a thing, fill out this form, which again is separate from the above one.

For the full Burnsland experience, just fill out both forms and join both of the lists!

Questions? Comments?

If you ever have any questions or comments about what you read around here, feel free to leave a comment in the box at the end of each post. I always love getting comments, and I am interested in what you like or don’t like, or whatever else you have to say. Or if you would rather not share your thoughts out there in public for the whole world to see (as if the whole world actually looks at this site), feel free to email me at I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading, and now back to our normal posts!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.