Maya in Memphis

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou spoke in Memphis this past Saturday night, and Laura, Jaylin, and I, along with over 1,700 others, had the opportunity to hear her talk.

Dr. Angelou spoke on behalf of Agape Child and Family Services, and her talk was about rainbows in the cloud. She spoke of how other people had been rainbows in the clouds of her life, and how Agape has done that for the children, homeless, and disadvantaged of Memphis. And she encouraged us all to be rainbows in someone else’s cloudy times as well.

If you know our family, you know how many rainbows Agape has brought us, and so I felt that Dr. Angelou’s talk was very appropriate for the evening. And it was also a good reminder to do what we can for others without necessarily expecting something in return. A perfect speech from a notable speaker.

The whole evening was a delightful time. At the dinner beforehand, we got to eat with friends and family, and we got to see several other friends as well. One of my favorite things about such events is always getting to see friends that we may not see all the time, even if we keep in touch with them in other ways, such as online. And as the luck of the tickets would have it, I ended up sitting by one of my high school classmates (Hi, Andrea!).

A perfect speech by a notable speaker, dinner, and visiting with friends. It was a great evening.


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.