Keystone Clothiers at Disney's Hollywood Studios

Night Lights

A nighttime look at Keystone Clothiers on Hollywood Boulevard at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World

A nighttime look at Keystone Clothiers on Hollywood Boulevard at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World, as seen during the 2019 Band and Chorus Disney Trip.

As you might guess from the name, Keystone Clothiers is a clothing store, selling different theme park-related clothing items in Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Laura and I have shopped in there several times, and we have even occasionally found something to buy, too. Which, of course, is why they have the store there in the first place, right?

And if you are wondering, the store takes its name from the Keystone Cops, which was a silent film series about a group of comedic police officers from way back in the 1910s. Or maybe the store takes its name from the studio that produced the Keystone Cops films, which was Keystone Studios, which helped launch the film careers of such stars as Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, Marie Dressler, Gloria Swanson, Fatty Arbuckle, and others. Either way, the Keystone name would have been well known by the time of the setting of Hollywood Boulevard as it appears in the park.

What Do You See?

When I look at this photo, the first things I see are the lights. There are the vintage-style street lights, the similarly vintage-style wall sconces on the building, and the well-disguised lights to illuminate the sign and the building facade.

Laura often laughs at me for how much attention I pay to light fixtures, but that is part of what I do as a career in electrical engineering. Sometimes someone else selects the lights based on a certain look that they want, but sometimes we are asked to select light fixtures. Sometimes we get some general guidance, sometimes we don’t get much of anything at all until someone does not like what we selected. Then they let us know!

Maybe when you look at this photo, you see something else. If you have a knowledge of color, maybe you try to identify the different colors that are used on the Keystone Clothiers building. If you have a knowledge of photography, maybe you try to figure out what camera settings I used to take this photo.

It is interesting how we can all see the same things differently. Sometimes that is based on our background. Or sometimes that is based on our interests. And then sometimes no one can really identify why we see things differently. But we do.

People are complex, and our world is complex. So sometimes it is fun to try to see things from someone else’s point of view. That does not necessarily mean that you think their way is the right way any more than your way is the right way, but it can sometimes be beneficial to try to take another view of things, just to get a better understanding.

Bible Verse

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. - Proverbs 18:1-2

About the Photo

I gave this photo something of a vintage look. I wanted to keep the colors of the building and the Keystone Clothiers logo, so I did not go with black and white, but I did choose a slightly faded scheme. It worked well here with the nighttime view, I thought. I really like the colors, but too much saturation here just seemed out of place. So instead, enjoy this slightly noir look.

As with most of my recent nighttime Disney park photos, I did not use a tripod for this one. Instead, I stopped walking, cranked up the ISO, opened the aperture wide, steadied my arms against my side as much as I could, and pressed the shutter.

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Luminar. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Sony FE 50mm f/1.8 Lens
Date: March 6, 2019
Location: Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Walt Disney World, Florida


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.