It's Corn for Trunk or Treat 2022

Out in the Corn Field

Each year, Laura tries to come up with a good idea for our church’s Trunk or Treat. Earlier this year, she fell in love with the song “It’s Corn,” in which a kid tells about his love for corn. If you have not heard it yet, check out this YouTube link. After some thinking, she decided to have that as her Trunk or Treat theme for this year. Here is what she came up with:

An indoor Trunk or Treat display based on the popular “It’s Corn” song

As you can see, we were thrown a slight curve this year by some rain. That moved everything inside, so that Trunk or Treat became Chair or Treat. But Laura’s ideas were easily adaptable, and it all turned out well.

The Details

Here is a little closer look at Laura’s corn display:

An indoor Trunk or Treat display based on the popular “It’s Corn” song

Laura came up with this display that used words from the song. And she also had the song playing on a loop for background music. She had originally planned to wrap our car with the corn background that she had gotten at a party store. But instead, she just put part of it on the wall. That worked well for the change to inside, too.

Corn balloons for a Trunk or Treat display based on the popular “It’s Corn” song

For the corn, she used yellow balloons and green cellophane bags. Maybe it did not look exactly like corn, but I am pretty sure everyone could tell what it was supposed to be. She attached those to dowel rods, and we stuck those into two straw bales. You almost can’t see them here, but she also scattered candy corn around on top of the straw bales to be the corn kernels. Fortunately, no one tried to eat any of the candy corn!

An indoor Trunk or Treat display based on the popular “It’s Corn” song

And here is one more look at it all. Mickey and Minnie as scarecrows were a nice addition to the corn field, too.

You could tell who was familiar with the song and who had no idea about it. Those who knew it would start singing along with the song as they came by. And at least three people told Laura that her setup was their favorite! Not that there was a prize for that or anything, but it was still nice to hear.

And only one person said that it was corny. Not that it is a bad thing. Lots of people eat corn every day, after all.

Over 400 people (adults and children combined) were there for Trunk or Treat. So as you can see, the rain did not put a damper, so to speak, on the day’s activities! And fortunately, we had plenty of candy, so no one went home empty-bucketed.

Be sure to check out some of Laura’s past Trunk or Treat ideas!

But Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” – Luke 18:16-17


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.