A Horse-Drawn Trolley on Main Street USA

A horse pulls a trolley down Main Street USA in Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. Read all about it at Burnsland.

A horse pulls a trolley down Main Street USA in Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom.

Since we are horse people (well, Laura is the main horse person in our family), we always enjoy seeing the horses pulling the trolleys at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, such as this Percheron pulling this trolley. Those horses are much larger than our horses at home, by the way. Just when I think our horses seem big, being around these draft horses makes our horses seem small.

And as you may notice, the people riding the trolley in this photo aren’t your normal theme park trolley riders. No, these are some of the performers of the morning Welcome Show, as they call it, and they were about to stop to do their show.

A closer look reveals that this trolley has had some work done:

Horse Drawn Trolley-detail-1200

That darker part of the sign under the word “Main” indicates that the sign isn’t a solid piece. Instead, a speaker is hidden behind there, used for the audio of the Welcome Show. Do all of the trolleys have this, or is this the only one that has been modified? Hmm.

Personally, I am not a big fan of the Welcome Show, which by the way involves a group of performers singing and dancing to welcome people to the Magic Kingdom. Why don’t I like it? Two reasons. First, it clogs up the street a good bit. It isn’t all that long, but it is still a little bit of a problem to get around the show if you aren’t watching it. And second, it cuts down on the availability to ride the trolley yourself. On one of our recent visits, we waited to ride the trolley, only to find out that it was just being used for the show and not for actual rides. I didn’t pay money to go watch other people ride something. I want to ride it myself! Give us back our trolleys!

However, I am always impressed to see the patience of the horses as they stand and wait while the dancers do their thing. Those horses are much more patient than our horses at home are!

If our horses were the ones pulling the trolleys, during the show we would constantly be saying, “Hold your horses, horses!”

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7

About the Photo

Nothing extravagant about the composition here, as I just grabbed my camera as we were walking along beside the trolley, which was also moving. But I liked this angle instead of the usual angle that I try to photograph the trolleys, which is usually from in front of the horse.

Also, just to give it a slightly different look, I desaturated the colors just a little to tone it down from the full-color look that I have been using lately. The photo is still plenty colorful, but actually not as much as it could be.

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M10
Lens: Olympus M.Zukio 25mm f1.8
Date: June 11, 2015
Location: Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Florida


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.