Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Yes, October 31 has arrived once again. Boo! Oh, I hope I didn’t scare you. If I did, then you scare way too easily.

Happy Halloween!

Here, you can see Laura in her costume for our church’s annual Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat. Or in our case, it was Truck-or-Treat, since used our truck instead of our trunk. Laura doesn’t care for scary things, so she always tries to avoid the scary costume route.

This year, she decided to go with a Winnie the Pooh theme, using an old Pooh costume that she had at school. She had found online an idea to make a beehive out of a cardboard box. But we ended up with some bales of straw from the Pumpkin Patch at school, and those turned out to make a pretty nice beehive with the addition of some plastic yellow tablecloths and some black electrical tape. Although some people walking by did call it a honey pot instead of a beehive. Some of the kids were worried that something would get them when they reached inside the beehive for their candy, but nothing did. Unless a few of the prickly pieces of straw might have felt like bee stings to them.

Each year at our Fall Festival, it is cold outside for the Trunk-or-Treat portion, and everyone struggles to keep warm. So Laura thought that the thick Pooh costume would work nicely. But then we had a late October heat wave, and she ended up being pretty hot in that costume, as did her trunk-or-treat neighbor in his gorilla costume.

But even with the sweating by the adults, the kids all had a good time. Several of them wanted to have their pictures taken with Pooh, and Laura said she could definitely see how it would be fun to be a character at the Disney parks, because she loved that interaction with the kids.

So anyway, Happy Halloween! Hope you have a screaming good time!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.