Family Photos with the Riedels

Here are the last of our family photos from Christmas (you can see the others here and here if you missed them). Yes, the Riedels may not be our family in terms of blood relatives. But who says that you have to share bloodlines to be family? Just take a look at our family to tell that isn’t true.

Anyway, due to trips and other stuff, we finally managed to have our Christmas gathering with the Riedels on the morning of New Year’s Eve, so here are some photos from that fun time.

Family Photos with the Riedels

Here we are all together. Don’t we all look happy? Well that is because we got this shot in only a couple of tries.

Family Photos with the Riedels

Up next, we have the Riedels by themselves. They color-coordinated their outfits for the day in shades of gray. Or maybe not.

Family Photos with the Riedels

And here are the Burnses. I think that by next year Laura and I will be able to hide behind Jaylin.

Family Photos with the Riedels

Next we have the kids by themselves, although they aren’t as much “kids” as they used to be. Where does the time go?

Family Photos with the Riedels

Up next are some adult photos. And by that I just mean that there are only adults in the photos. Get your mind out of the gutter. Here are the Riedel adults.

Family Photos with the Riedels

And not to be outdone, here are the Burns adults. Of course, “adult” refers only to our ages and not necessarily how we act. Don’t believe me? Keep reading.

Family Photos with the Riedels

Sometimes when you look back through your photos, you find some fun things that you had forgotten about, such as this pose by Laura when I was setting up the lighting.

Family Photos with the Riedels

Laura and Karen did try some of the “typical girl poses,” such as this one.

Family Photos with the Riedels

And you can’t have a girls photo without the arms-on-the-sides pose, too.

Family Photos with the Riedels

Finally, here is a photo of all four adult-aged people together. Fun times!

New Year’s Eve

And since it was New Year’s Eve, we got together again that night to welcome in the new year. This is how we adults looked by that time. Party animals!

That’s it for this year’s family photos from Christmas. Only about a month late - not too bad!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.