Family Photos from Lads to Leaders

Each year when we are at the Lads to Leaders convention at the Gaylord Opryland Resort, I seem to find lots of opportunities to take photos of our family. Maybe that is just because we get to spend 24 hours a day together for a few days. Which is never a bad thing. So here are some views of our family from this year’s convention.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Here are Laura and Jaylin, along with our friend Katie. But then she and her family are really our family as well, even if not by blood.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Here, Laura, Jaylin, and my parents spend a little downtime in between Jaylin’s events of the day. This time around, he had three different events in one day, so we didn’t always have time to go back to our hotel room.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Laura and Karen, who is the mother of Katie from a few photos back. For some reason, I never did get a photo of the entire Riedel family this year. I guess that means we will all have to go back again next year.

Lads to Leaders 2013

The convention is always Easter weekend, so Easter Sunday is always a good day for family photos. Here we are with my parents.

Lads to Leaders 2013

And here are just the three of us. No, we didn’t push my parents over the ledge behind us. In case you were wondering.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Hey look - it’s me! You don’t see too many photos of me around here. Which might not be a bad thing. But Laura grabbed the camera after the photos of us above and took this photo before I could get the camera from her.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Here are the Streets - another one of those families that are part of our family, even if we aren’t actually related.

Lads to Leaders 2013

I thought this landing made a nice frame for Jaylin, so I sent him over there for a photo. And we didn’t even try to hide from him when he came back.

Lads to Leaders 2013

We usually venture out into the well-gardened areas of the Opryland Hotel for some photos, too. Here, Laura and Jaylin enjoy the Garden Conservatory.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Here are the three of us, again in the Garden Conservatory. Which fortunately doesn’t make me sneeze. Much.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Nothing like a little motherly love. I imagine this photo will one day show up in a slideshow when Jaylin is graduating from high school, or something like that.

Lads to Leaders 2013

The Burns Men. Or the Burns Boys, which is probably a more accurate title for both of us.

Lads to Leaders 2013

My parents. I would have said the elder Burnses, but that would make them sound old, wouldn’t it?

Lads to Leaders 2013

A rare photo of the two of us together. I’m not sure why we don’t have more like this, except that it is sometimes hard to find someone who I would trust with my camera.

Lads to Leaders 2013

Jaylin and his grandparents, who attend the Lads to Leaders convention every year, too.

Lads to Leaders 2013

I call this last photo “Preacher in the Jungle.” Although Jaylin isn’t technically a preacher. But then, he isn’t actually in a jungle, either.

Hope you enjoyed all of those photos!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.