Everything at Once

Do you ever have those times when it seems like everything is happening at once?

On some weekends, we don’t have anything on the schedule besides the usual church services on Sunday. But then on other weekends, we have three or four or five things all going on. Maybe not all at the same time, but close enough together that getting from one thing to another is difficult. And it is even worse if one thing is more formal than the other, meaning that you have to change clothes in between, or be really overdressed for one event, or be really underdressed for one event.

Television seems to be the same way, too. Either there is absolutely nothing on worth watching (which is more and more the case these days), or there are three or more programs on that you want to watch at one time. Fortunately, our DVR can record two programs at one time, but if a third is on as well, then you have to make a decision.

I wonder sometimes if people do that on purpose. “Hey, I know - let’s plan our wedding on the same weekend as Aunt Gertrude and Uncle Geronimo’s 50th wedding anniversary party, and the big game, and the church retreat, and the annual plant watering exhibition, and the weekly sock-changing day! No one will mind if there is one more thing to do, will they?”

I know that sometimes you have to plan what you can, and then you have to understand that whoever can be there will be there, and if someone has a conflict, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t like you.

And we are the type of people to try to make it to everything that we can, although we can’t always make it to everything. Sometimes, you just have to slow down and take some time for yourself. Sometimes, you just need a little time to be home. Sometimes, a Saturday afternoon nap sounds pretty good.

I just hope Aunt Gertrude and Uncle Geronimo will understand.


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.