Early Morning in Early Fall

Let’s take a little break from the photos of our recent trips to fantastical places such as Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Kansas, and some other places. Instead, let’s look around our somewhat ordinary, but still interesting, home for just a bit. Change is in the air with the change of the seasons, as fall has officially arrived.

Colorful Morning

An early morning view in early fall

The other morning as Laura was leaving for school, a light fog was hovering above the grass before the sun came up to chase it away. I went in to grab my camera to try to capture the scene.

Fog is somewhat tricky to sufficiently capture in a photo. And it had already thinned out over our yard by the time I got out there. Fog and a sasquatch have a lot in common, in that they both disappear when a camera comes out. However, you can still see it (the fog, that is, and not a sasquatch) off in the distance over the neighbors’ horse pasture. So this quickly turned into a “pre-sunlight photo” instead of a “cool fog photo”. But I have to admit, that view before the sun comes up is pretty cool, too.

Another View

A light pole in our yard early one early-fall morning

Because I had already given up on getting a good foggy photo, I instead changed my efforts to try to get another good pre-sunlight photo. The light pole in our front yard is always a favorite photo subject of mine, so included it as a focal point this time around.

I really like the colors here, too. The grass was still green because it was rather tall and needing a trim. Now that it has been cut, and now that we have had some cool temperatures in the morning, the grass looks a bit more brown than it did just a week ago when I took these photos.

The crape myrtle trees are still in bloom, adding a few pink splotches to the scene here and there. Their blossoms almost look out of place compared to the rest of the colors on view here.

And even though the calendar says that it is fall, the leaves on the trees are still mostly green. Except, ironically, for the evergreen pine tree, which has some brown on it. That is due to the ice and snow of this past winter weighing down the branches enough to cause some damage to them, I am guessing.

If I had waited around just a little longer, the rising sun would have added some golden tones, erasing much of the blue tint here. But that will wait until later on in the fall. Unless I happen to see a sasquatch out there sometime soon.

At Home

Last year, just about all of our year was spent at home. We did not go anywhere, as was the case for most people. And so most of the photos that I shared last year were from around our home, except for some leftover photos from past trips.

Things have been different this year, with trips to Atlanta, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Florida, along with four trips (so far) to Kansas. I still have lots of photos from our travels to post. But it is nice for me to take a look around our home sometimes and to be reminded of how things are here, too. You can find interesting things far away, or you can find them right where you are. It all depends on how you look at things.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:10

About the Photos

I had the 50mm lens on my camera from the last photos I had taken on our most recent Kansas trip, so I left that lens on for these photos. Remember when I did a whole 50with50 series with that lens? I still enjoy using it, and so I did not mind that it was still on the camera.

In processing these photos in Luminar AI, I enhanced the blue tones a bit more than they already were, adding to the early morning feel. Golden tones of sunrise are nice, but sometimes these blue shades need some attention, too. And how about that sky gradient that goes from blue up high to almost pink at the horizon? Just lovely.

Photo: Each photo is a Raw exposure processed in Luminar AI. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Sony FE 50mm f/1.8
Date: September 24, 2021
Location: Home, WillistonTennessee


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.