Burnsland Podcast Episode 4: Photography and More

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The Burnsland Podcast Episode 4

The Burnsland Podcast is back once again with Episode 4! And after the brief Thanksgiving episode, this one is back to full length.

The tagline for the Burnsland website here has been some variation of “Photography and More” for some time. So this episode lives up to that tagline and claims it as its title.

First off are two segments, one on how I became interested in photography, and another on why I enjoy photography. Hint: It isn’t to make money. Although that would be nice, I suppose. Everyone has their own thoughts about photography, so these are mine.

Plus, there are a few unrelated stories. Am I really too old for some things, or is that just something that some parts of society try to tell me? How old is too old? And are there benefits to being nice to others? You bet there are! So you can here some thoughts on that subject as well.

All that, and some new incidental piano music as well!

How to Listen

I list this in every post here, just in case you are reading one of these podcast announcements for the first time. But the information does not really change all that much.

  • The Burnsland Podcast site: The episodes are actually hosted at a separate site, and you can listen to them through the built-in player there.
  • Apple Podcasts: For all you iPhone and iPad people out there, subscribe to the Burnsland Podcast to listen to all of the episodes.
  • Other Podcast Apps: Search for “Burnsland Podcast” or enter the feed address

Thanks for listening, whether this is your first episode or your fourth! Hopefully not your last!


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.