Beach Umbrellas / Focus on Something Positive

Summer Fun

Beach umbrellas and chairs fill the sand at Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach, Florida, and focusing on something positive

Beach umbrellas and chairs fill the sand at Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach, Florida, as seen during our [2019 Florida Summer Trip]9/categories/2019-florida-summer-vacation/). In some ways, looking back at past vacation photos can feel like a loss, but I prefer to focus on something positive.

As you might be able to guess by the uniformity of the chairs and umbrellas, these were all rentals. I would imagine those rental guys do a pretty good business out there. But just past the two folded umbrellas at the right, you can see our beach umbrellas, one of which has Mickey Mouse ears. We figured if it was a good spot for them, it must be a good spot for us, too. We were not quite as close to the rental umbrellas as it might look here, but we weren’t all that far away from them, either.

Just a reminder that umbrellas, sunscreen, hats, and whatever other sun protection you might want are a good idea at the beach. Especially if you are like me and burn quickly!

Focus On Something Positive

If this were a “normal” year, we would be starting to pack up our things now, getting ready for our 2020 Florida Summer Trip. But as you know, this is nowhere near a “normal” year, and so our summer trip will just be out of the house and into the yard. Which isn’t the worst thing that could happen, but it isn’t necessarily what we would have chosen.

It is easy, and even understandable, to feel a sense of loss during all of this. I have mentioned before some of the trips we were supposed to take and some of the fun things we were planning to do.

But you can also feel that sense of loss from not being with friends, from working at home, from not worshiping with your church family, from not being able to go to the mall, or all sorts of things. That does not even include if you have lost your job, which would definitely be a big loss and is much deeper than the kind of loss I am discussing here.

When you start to list those minor losses, it is easy to become sad for the things that we are not getting to do. Instead, turn your focus to something else.

If your area allows you to go to a nearby park to walk, do that. If you can just walk in your neighborhood, do that. Call a friend. Read a book that you enjoy. Spend time with your family. Watch a good movie. Do something for someone else.

The best thing to do in those situations is to do something to take the focus off of yourself and your problems. Instead, focus on someone else or something else. Do whatever you can to lift your spirits.

Personally, I would recommend that you not spend too much time looking at other people’s posts on Facebook, because others talking about what they are doing might just remind you of what you are not able to do. Likewise, it might not be best to post too much about what you are doing so that you don’t bring someone else down.

Life is full of peaks and valleys, ups and downs, good times and bad times. When you are in your down times, know that it is sometimes a climb to get back to the good times, but it will definitely be worth the effort.

Don’t dwell on your problems, but rather focus on something positive.

Bible Verse

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. - 1 John 3:18

About the Photo

I like patterns and order. Because of that, I like these umbrellas and chairs. In fact, you might remember another photo of those chairs and umbrellas from a different angle, and also with a different look. For this one, I wanted something light and happy to go along with the theme of the post. So this photo is much brighter than that previous one, and to me it has a much happier mood.

Evidently, I had a bit of dirt on the lens when I took this photo. That is typical at the beach, when the wind is always blowing the sand and when there is salt in the air. It is difficult to keep your lens clean in windy conditions like that. Fortunately, I was able to correct the annoying spots using Photoshop after I had processed this in Aurora HDR. They were quite distracting, but now you would never know they had been there. And I have cleaned my lens since then, too.

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Aurora HDR. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Sony FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
Date: June 11, 2019
Location: Lori Wilson Park, Cocoa Beach, Florida


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.