Autumn Sunset and Colors

A Colorful Sky

Autumn Sunset

The other day when I got home, there was once again a beautiful sunset, so I went inside and grabbed my camera to capture it all. We do not usually have that much of a vibrant fall season around here, and the trees that do change bright colors do not hold on to them for long. But at least here the sky was getting in on the autumn color action just a bit to make up for the trees not changing. That sky was really something that night.

As you can see, the grass is still somewhat green, too. That is due in a large way to the rain that we have been getting lately. We went for quite a while without much in the way of significant rain. But then the rain started falling pretty regularly. Add in some slightly warmer than normal temperatures for this time of year, and the grass just keeps on growing. I am guessing that we will only have to cut it one or two more times before the winter gets here, but who knows? God knows, of course, and He is definitely in charge. He will let us know in due time.

Colorful Trees

Autumn colors on the trees

After I took the first photo, I turned around to see the day’s last rays of sunlight illuminating the trees back behind me. Those trees are starting to show some fall colors. Except of course for the evergreens, which are ever green. Hence the name. But the others are turning, and they look even more fall-ish with the golden rays of the setting sun, too.

Plus, I really liked the color of blue in the sky from that particular afternoon. The sky is always a little bluer when the haze of the summer has cleared away, as it has now. Pretty cool how that works, even with some of the warm summer-like days that we have been having lately.

Changing Seasons

I have mentioned it before, but I am definitely a summer guy. I like hot weather, not being cold, and not even having to worry about whether I need to take a jacket in case it gets cold. Except in extreme cases, I don’t mind heat and sweat. Just give me some ice cold water or Coke to drink and I will be just fine.

However, I do like the change that autumn brings. I like the slower pace brought on by the earlier sunset. I like the change of colors that gives everything a different look. And I don’t even mind some crispness in the air, as long as it is not freezing cold.

So while summer is definitely my favorite season, autumn is a strong second. Just don’t tell winter and spring that they did not make the list.

Bible Verse

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will not cease. - Genesis 8:22

About the Photos

These photos down our driveway are starting to be a regular thing around here. Maybe I should start a series and call it Driveway Views or something like that. Maybe I just did.

One reason for that series is that the views have been ever-changing and always interesting lately. That is always nice, and it is nice to be home before dark or after the sun comes up sometimes to see it all, too.

However, the other reason for that is just a matter of photographing what you see. Once school starts, we do not have too much time to go different places and see different things besides work, school, and the occasional football field. So sometimes when I am wanting to get a photo of something, home is the most obvious choice, because it is much more interesting to photograph than work.  So don’t be surprised if photos similar to this continue over time.

Especially for the first photo, I did a little work to it to make sure the colors looked like I wanted them to look. The cream color of the sky was especially fascinating to me, because we do not see that all that often. So I wanted to make sure it was presented properly here.

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Sony FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
Date: October 2, 2018
Location: Home, Williston, Tennessee


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.