Adventureland / Observations of the Past Week


When they first added the Aladdin elements to Adventureland at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I’m still not always sure, actually. I do still like the more original Adventureland setting of the South Seas, with a bit of the Caribbean thrown in for the pirates.

But the newer additions to Adventureland do make for some nice, colorful pictures.

Adventureland in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World

Photo location: Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Florida
A three-exposure (-2, 0, +2) HDR tonemapped in Photomatix, edited in GIMP

Observations of the Past Week (5/22-5/28)

The ever-moving Observations of the Past Week from Twitter and Facebook find themselves on Wednesday this week. But don’t worry, they will be back to Mondays. Eventually.

The weather forecast called for rain all morning, but it has been sunny. Not that I’m complaining. (Of course, that would change later.)

Hello again, afternoon rain showers! I hope today you left the hail at home, unlike yesterday. I would rather not drive home in that stuff. (I would rather not have it at our home, either. Keep it at your home.)

Who need sleep anyway? Oh yeah, I do. (Evidently, staying up late causes you to leave out an “s” here and there.)

It’s really windy out today. Maybe I should wear a hardhat when I go outside. (Or with the tornado warnings, I might should have worn it inside.)

Back home safe and sound. A rather small crowd at church tonight with the storms and all. (I try not to think about whether braving the storms was the smart thing to do.)

At school this morning, Jaylin got an award for perfect attendance, and for getting a high score on a national geography test! (He must have learned geography at school, because we don’t usually talk about that at home.)

Rise and shine! It’s gonna be a golden day! Except that I rose an hour ago. Maybe I’ll start shining soon. (I’m always better at rising first and shining later on.)

School is out for the summer. Work is out for the holiday weekend. And the sun is out for the afternoon. Good day. (Why don’t times like that last for a whole year?)

If passing a truck on the right is illegal, they shouldn’t drive in the left lane. #notguilty #butjustsaying (That’s not to say I wasn’t tempted.)


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.