A Wedding Over the Weekend

This past weekend, we went to a wedding, specifically to the wedding of the son of one of Laura’s former coworkers. Weddings are nice, because I always like what they represent - the union of a husband and wife forever. Of course, I am also fond of saying that weddings are nicer when they aren’t your own. Don’t get me wrong - I’m quite glad that we are married. But I’m also glad that we don’t have to have another wedding. One was more than enough fun.

A Wedding Over the Weekend

One of the cool things about this wedding was that it was at the same church building where Laura and I were married almost 21 years ago. When I posted that fact, along with the photo above, on Instagram, I got a few questions about the location, which was White Station Church of Christ. I also apparently confused a few people into thinking that it was our anniversary. But it wasn’t, which is why I said “almost 21 years ago.” We still have a month and a half to go to make it to 21 years.

The other cool thing about this wedding was that at the reception, they actually served Coca-Cola! In bottles! And with striped straws! Well, I would have been okay without the straw, but it was nice to actually have Coke instead of punch. For those non-Coke-drinkers, they did have the traditional punch, and they had lemonade and tea as well. But Coke was fine with me. If I had known that was allowed, we definitely would have had Coke at our wedding! Well, probably not, because Laura’s mother wouldn’t have thought it was the proper thing to have at a proper wedding. And we would have been too busy trying to talk to everyone at the reception to actually drink a Coke anyway. But someone else might have enjoyed it. Just like I did at this wedding.

There were other fun things about the wedding, too, such as seeing old friends and getting to talk to people who you never expected to see at that wedding. Always fun to play a game of, “So what’s your connection to someone in the wedding?” I’m never good at guessing for that game. But it is still fun to play.

Jaylin did say that the wedding didn’t inspire him to get married. But that’s okay, he doesn’t need to think about getting married right now, anyway. He needs to rest his brain after all the fractions and geometry that they threw at him during the school year.

But I’m sure that someday we will be attending Jaylin’s wedding. Hopefully, the bride’s parents will be okay with serving Coke at the reception. If not, find me and I will have a few bottles stashed away somewhere, just in case you don’t want punch.

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. - Genesis 2:24

About the photos:
A single exposure, processed in Adobe Lightroom. Read more about the photo software and gear I use at the camera gear page.
Camera: iPhone 5


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.