A Little Winter Weather - 50with50

A Light Snow

We received a little winter weather in the form of a light dusting of snow recently, which made a good subject for the 50with50 series

50with50 no. 48

Thanks to some winter weather, a light snow barely covers the grass of our front yard in the latest 50with50 photo.

For a few days, we had a grand forecast of snow headed our way. The night before, there was even a weather advisory about possible accumulations. But in the end, it turned out to be a light dusting that melted and was gone after just a few hours. At least it was nice to watch it snowing out the window, even if it was not enough snow to build a snowman.

That is how winter weather usually goes around here. We do not get much snow at all. That is just fine with me because of all of the headaches that a serious snow can cause. Of course, it is still early in the winter season, so that we could still get more snow. And who knows, it could be even more significant than what we got when I took this photo.

Even though it was not much snow, I felt that it was still photo-worthy. And because I still had the 50mm lens on the camera from the last 50with50 photo, I figured this snow would make a good addition to the series.

About the Snow

It actually snowed for a good bit of the day. The only problem was that the temperature was just above the freezing mark, so the snowflakes were melting pretty quickly after they reached the ground. When it would snow harder, it would look like more accumulation. Then the snow would let up a bit, and what was on the ground would catch up in its melting. I took the photo above at one of the heavier-snowing times. Heavier being relative, of course, because it was nothing at all like blizzard conditions.

Fortunately, the snow did not cause any problems for Laura and Jaylin on their way to and from school for the day. Like every student, Jaylin was hoping when he went to bed the night before that he would not have to get up and go to school the next day, but he did. And here’s a secret in case you did not know it: teachers hope for snow at least as much as students, if not more.

Even though there was not enough snow to close school, Laura was slightly disappointed like I was that there was not more snow to be seen on the ground for all of the snowing that it did during the day. Some people in our area got more snow than others of us did, from what I have seen on social media. I guess widely-scattered snow showers are a thing just like widely-scattered rain showers.

At least we did not get stuck somewhere or have any kinds of snow-related problems. Every snow cloud has a silver lining, I suppose.

Bible Verse

Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have established the heavenly lights and the sun. You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter. - Psalm 74:16-17

About the Photo

As you have probably guessed by now, I took this photo with a 50mm prime lens. That is what the 50with50 series is all about, if you are just joining us. That particular lens is nice and sharp, as you can see in this photo. Some might prefer a wider angle lens for landscape photos such as this, but this view works fine for me.

I briefly thought about converting this photo to black and white. But then I decided against it. I did want it to be obvious that there was snow on the ground, after all. I wanted the snow to show because there was not that much snow to show. And there needed to be some color reference for the white snow to cover. So I kept it a color photo, but I reduced the color saturation.

Photo: A Raw exposure processed in Luminar AI. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: SonyFE 50mm f/1.8
Date: January 11, 2021
Location: Home, WillistonTennessee


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.