A Letter about the End of School

Dear Intrepid Iguana,

Hello! How is your career in professional wrestling going? I just know you are going to make it in the big time one of these days. And I will be proud to say that I knew you way back when you were just Lyle. And yes, I agree that Intrepid Iguana is a much better wrestling name than Leaping Lyle.

Anyway, that time of year has finally arrived. Yes, it is the end of the school year. Today is the last day, and there are screams, laughter, and tears of joy. And that is just from the teachers. I suppose the students are pretty happy about it, too. Back when we were in school, I had no idea that the teachers looked forward to the end of the school year at least as much as us kids did. I thought they loved being there and couldn’t wait to get there every day, not to mention at the start of the school year. But since I am married to a teacher now, I know the truth. And that truth is that they do love what they do, but they also look forward to the summer break, too. I can understand that, knowing how much I look forward to any vacation days that are coming up. I can’t imagine how much I would be looking forward to a break that was over two months long.

Overall, Laura had a great first year in her new job. Did I ever tell you that she is now the Performing Arts and Science Lab coordinator for all of the elementary students? It took some getting used to at first, because she had taught junior kindergarten for over 20 years, but she took to it quite well. It also took a good bit of work throughout the year, since she was doing things that she had never done before.

For science lab, one of their major projects included building a garden. The plants are coming up now, and hopefully they will keep growing throughout the summer. For Performing Arts, she produced various performances for school programs in the fall, as well as musical performances in the spring. Always cool to hear the lovely sounds of recorders. Almost makes me want to go find mine at home somewhere and play it again. She already has more ideas about what to do for next year, too.

And actually, Jaylin finished school over a week ago. The 8th graders finished up and took their exams early, so that they could go on a class trip to Washington, DC. It looks like they had a great time there, seeing all sorts of things that were not there when I last went 29 years ago. I guess I am overdue for a return trip. But the overnight bus rides might have done me in, so I am looking forward to going back on our own schedule sometime.

The 8th grade was a good year for Jaylin, except for that whole torn ACL and surgery thing back in the fall. Fortunately, he has recovered well from that. But besides that, Jaylin was in the band and chorus, making the All-Southwest Tennessee Honor Choir and also going on a band trip to Gatlinburg. Both of those involved missing school, so that is always a bonus. He did mention that he liked band and chorus because that meant you didn’t have to take two exams and you got some free trips. I don’t know what his idea of “free” is, because someone definitely paid for those. Jaylin was also on the track team (but only for running, because field events were ruled out due to his continuing knee recovery), and most of his runs were faster than his times last year. Oh yes, and besides all of that fun stuff he actually did go to classes, too. Maybe he even learned something.

So now the summer is ahead for both of them. They both have lots of activities coming up, as Jaylin is going to various camps and football practices and Laura is teaching some short classes here and there. Personally, I am looking forward to not getting up quite as early in the morning, although I hear some of those football practices start earlier than I would want them to start. Plus, we have a couple of trips planned, too. But I will tell you all about those after they actually happen.

Anyway, I hope your summer brings you some success. And I hope that you are on the giving end instead of the receiving end of body slams as often as possible.

Take care, Steve


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.