A Fun Photo Shoot

Fall Fun

a fun photo shoot

Sometimes, we get to do fun things with our friends. Recently, our friend Katie needed some new headshots and photos for various things, so we spent a nice fall Sunday afternoon taking some photos.

As you can see here, we had a good time doing it, too. Karen was the hair expert and Laura was providing some leaf props. Jaylin is not in this photo, but he assisted a good bit, too. It was a family affair, and that is what made it fun.

Once the “official” photos that we took have served their purpose, I will share some of them here. But that will be later on.

Friends and Family

For now, I thought I would share this fun behind-the-scenes photo. Why? For one thing, this is a reminder of a fun day. But more importantly, because this week is Thanksgiving week, and I am thankful for the families represented here.

It is great to have friends, and it is even better to have friends who are like family. We enjoy getting to do things together when we can, and it helps to have a support structure in place in those rare occasions when things are not quite like they should be.

If you don’t have friends like that, I would encourage you to find some. Keep in mind that good friends cannot be made overnight. It takes time to develop those relationships. So hang in there.

And don’t forget that to have friends you have to be a friend. So go be a friend to someone, and you just might earn their friendship in return. You will be blessed in the long run.

Bible Verse

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. - Proverbs 18:24

About the Photo

As you might guess, this one was not a planned shot. Katie held up the leaf, and I snapped the shutter button. It was just a moment of fun while the girls were getting everything fixed just right for the next shot.

The sun was nice and bright that day, which was a blessing because of the warmth that it provided. But the sunlight would also come through the trees at times when we were not expecting it, so we had to plan our photos carefully to avoid unwanted highlights from the sun in places. It just happened that this particular spot was a good one, meaning that even our unplanned photo turned out okay.

Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Photoshop. Read more about photography tips, photo software, camera gear, and more at Steve’s Photography Tips.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Sony FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
Date: October 28, 2018
Location: Bartlett Woods Church of Christ, Arlington, Tennessee


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.