Laura stops for a quick photo at Ames Plantation near Grand Junction, Tennessee, at the end of the Ames Plantation Heritage Festival.
Laura looks out at the water from our verandah on the Disney Dream, from our Disney Cruise this past summer.
As you may have already seen, we and the Riedels spent a weekend with the Streets at their place on Kentucky Lake recently.
The following is the second part of the account of our Disney Cruise to the Bahamas from earlier in the summer.
Monday was the first day of school, so here is the customary First Day of School photo.
The following is an account of our Disney Cruise to the Bahamas from earlier in the summer.
Laura rides on our friends’ boat on Kentucky Lake as the sun is setting on a fun day.
Laura stands beside a dolphin outside of the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.
Laura pauses for a photo on our cruise on the Disney Dream, one of the ships of the Disney Cruise Line.
Today is a momentous day, because it is our 22nd wedding anniversary!